Featured image, above: details from work by Keith Kleespies (left) and Philip High (right).
We are excited to now have violinist, Jane Halliday, playing at our opening this Friday, June, 3, at Lettersong Studio/Gallery ,1501 Story Ave. From 7 – 8 PM Jane will walk the gallery, spontaneously improvising musical responses to the artwork. A practice sometimes referred to as “ekphrasis” in the world of poetry.
Keith, Jane, and I will also be appearing on the LVA radio program PUBLIC, hosted by Keith Waits, this coming Thursday between 10 and 11 AM. We will be in the second half of the show right after an interview with Bette Levy! Not to be missed. 🙂 Station WXOX 97.1 FM, a.k.a. ARTxFM, can also be listened to online (live only) at http://www.artxfm.com/listen/.
Please pass this info along to others you think might be interested.
Images from the show